Integrated controls for project issues, actions, risks, budgets, time, expenses, profitability, reports, meetings, documents and more…

Maestro PMO™ Overview

Managing a Project Management Office involves a lot of interrelated activities. Having a comprehensive set of project control tools integrated in one place, will simply your task saving you time and money. With Maestro PMO™, you can manage projects from the simple to the complex. Control project budgets, time sheets, expenses. Manage issues, actions and risks. Manage meetings, conference calls. Document discussions. Track decisions. Create status reports. Store project documents. Customize status management. Real time postings for up-to-date financial results. Flexible reporting with over 100 built in reports. Flexible searching.  [More…]

Project Controls

Manage an unlimited number of projects – establish an enterprise PMO or a small project office. Track time and expenses to any project level.  Add work orders to create project budgets.  Manage project issues, actions, risks.  Document meetings for all of your projects.  Manage project documents.  [More]

Time Sheets

Time is money. Track all your project time accurately. Post it to your projects accounts. Immediately know project financial status. Look at unposted time. Monitor project budget performance. Manage billable and non-billable work.  [More]


Control project expenses. Send expenses to any project level. Review expenses before they are posted to the project accounts. Accommodate billable and non-billable charges [More]

Manage Issues, Actions, Decisions, Change Orders

Centralize issues and actions management. Manage risks. Document decisions. Prepare detailed change orders. Convert an issue to an action. Link all these to project and people.  [More…]

Work Orders

Use Work Orders to set up project budgets. Project budgets can be tracked at any level giving you a real time view of project results compared to budget along with project profitability. [More]


Maintain your own personal notebook. Keep all your notes together. Sort them and organize them by project activities. Create reports by project, phase, category, subject, etc. [More]

To Do’s

Manage personal and project To Do’s. Keep all your personal To Do’s together. Organize them along your own categories. Sort them and create reports by project, phase, category, subject, etc.  [More]

Meetings, Discussions and Calls

Make it easy to track all those meetings, calls, conferences. Log what was said, what was agreed to and what actions have been committed to.  [More]

Project Documents

Store 1,000’s of project documents, working papers, information sheets and files. Users can store documents locally or on remote servers.  Encrypt documents to control access.    [More]

Project Tasks

Create an unlimited number of project tasks.  Break Tasks down with Subtasks and Steps to complete.   Assign individuals and planned work effort for any component.  Track progress made.    [More]